Releasing ========= Releasing a version of the Anonlink Entity Service -------------------------------------------------- We follow gitflow. Each release has a GitHub milestone associated with it which groups all the features and bug fixes together. Multiple docker images are contained within this repository (e.g., ``backend``, ``frontend``, ``benchmark``) which are independently versioned. In general a release involves a new version of both the ``backend`` and the ``frontend``. This is because the documentation is baked into the frontend so user visible changes to the backend require a new frontend. - Choose a new version using semantic versioning. - Create a branch off the latest ``develop`` called ``release-x.y.z``. - Update the versions in the code base (e.g., ``backend/entityservice/VERSION``) of any components that have been changed. As above note if the backend version has changed you must release a new frontend too. - Update the changelog to include user friendly information on all features, taking special care to mention any breaking changes. - Open a PR to merge these changes into ``develop``, and get a code review. Make any requested changes, and merge the changes into ``develop`` (don't close the branch). - Open a PR to merge the release branch into ``master``, only proceed if the CI tests all pass. Merge, rather than squashing the commits. - Create a git tag of the form ``vX.Y.Z[-aN|-bN]`` (e.g. using GitHub's releases ui). - Tag and push release versions of docker images from this tag and the tag `latest` (manually for now but ideally using CI). - Commit to develop (via a PR) creating a new ``"Next Version`` section in the changelog. - Proudly announce the new release on the anonlink google group!forum/anonlink